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divRIOTS and Astro logos around a red heart.

Supporting Astro

We are proud to announce that we are Gold Sponsor of Astro - the fast growing static site generator.

What is Astro

Astro has been officially announced in June 2021.

It’s a static site generator with component driven model of development. It’s very close to standard HTML and CSS but you can bring your own components in React, Vue, Preact, Svelte or web components.

By default, the result is static first and you can bring client side Javascript explicitly where you need it using partial hydration.

Read more on Astro’s introduction blog post.

What makes Astro special

Back in April 2021, I shared by thoughts on Astro on my first encounter with it.

I also shared our experience in a blog post after building divRIOTS.com with it in 100% Astro.

6 months later, Astro continues to be more and more special.

Version 0.21 introduced some major improvements:

  • A new Astro compiler, written in Go
  • A new build engine, powered by Vite
  • Components in Markdown (like MDX, but without the JSX)
  • Improved npm package support (also powered by Vite!)
  • Improved errors, stack traces, HMR, and overall dev experience
  • and more

It’s a major rewrite and the team explained why.

Astro is unique in the way it generate static sites first, with no JavaScript, while still giving you the component-oriented development in the framework you already know. You can then sparkle the client side interactivity (JavaScript) where you want it.

Why sponsoring Astro

It’s a great Team

Fred K Schoot, Nate Moore, Matthew Philips, and Drew Powers are fantastic individuals. They are building Astro in the open and animating a welcoming and inclusive commnunity on Discord.

We use it on our landing pages

Our landing pages for divRIOTS.com, Backlight.dev and the upcoming Replic.dev are built on Astro.

We integrated it in Components.studio

Part of our Advent of Code 2021, you can now create Astro components in isolation and release them in one click.

We hope to see many new Astro components built and available freely.

We integrated it in Backlight.dev

Following Components.studio, you can create Design Systems with Astro components in Backlight. Giving you the ability to also add Astro components into your Design System.

We have more plans for Astro

We believe Astro is a good technology to write Design Systems documentations, especially when these Design Systems are multi-framework.

We will extend the documentation support of Backlight.dev with Astro. It will complement our existing documentation technologies like MDX, MD-Vue, mdjs and Nunjucks.

Consider contributing too ❤️

Bring ideas, contribute features or sponsor Astro on Open Collective. I think any of these will make the Astro team and community happy 🙂

Astro’s GitHub repo