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Figma plugin Lorem Ipsum joins the family

Back to school means back to new projects, big launches and important news. And while we’re on a roll introducing new plugins, we’re proud to share the latest member of our Figma plugin family: Lorem Ipsum!

What is Lorem Ipsum?

For all those times when you’re designing and need some temporary placeholder content, or text to represent user-generated content, Lorem Ipsum is the tool you need.

Lorem Ipsum automatically generates dummy content to fill your text layers. You can choose between setting a specific length, or have it generate the perfect amount of text to fill a layer’s entire frame. You can even choose between 8 different text libraries like Pirate Ipsum 🏴‍☠️, Pizza Ipsum 🍕 or, our personal favorite, Hipster Ipsum 🧔🏻‍♂️!

Why Lorem Ipsum?

At ‹div›RIOTS, our goal is to help both designers and developers become more efficient in Figma, tackling those bottlenecks and time-consuming tasks that take away from the important stuff. Lorem Ipsum does just that, aligning perfectly with our vision.

For example, Lorem Ipsum can help designers visualize how much a text’s length will affect the UI, or provides placeholder content until final copy is ready. We love simple plugins that save time and effort, and just knew Lorem Ipsum would be a great fit for our growing family of plugins.

And while we would love to take credit for such an awesome Figma plugin, we acquired Lorem Ipsum from its original creator, the talented Dave Williames.

What happens next?

Lorem Ipsum stays exactly the same. ‹div›RIOTS has simply taken over the ownership of the plugin, and we’re committed to running it and maintaining all its great features.

Lorem Ipsum is free to use and available on Figma community. Try it out and tell us what you think! 👉 Run Lorem Ipsum

Check out our full range of plugins

Did you know? We have a range of awesome plugins to help designers and developers alike with different design needs in Figma. Aside from Lorem Ipsum, we’re also the team behind html.to.design, story.to.design, Remove Background and more! Discover them all on our Figma Community page.